Time to Go Back to School – Stay Safe & Have Fun


It’s that time again! Summer is winding down as most families prepare for the rush of back to school this week. New backpacks are filled with supplies and communities are adjusting to the routine of schedules, activities and homework after a carefree season of vacation and sunshine. While settling back into the school year can be exciting and fun, it’s important to remember that just a few steps can help keep our kids safe during this transitional time.

School Bus & Driver Safety

  • Remember to stop for buses when you see the Stop Sign Arm – this means students are crossing.
  • Distracted driving puts everyone at risk, especially if you are running late for work or school in the morning or adjusting to your new route or routine. Give yourself some extra time, set down the phone and be vigilant! More families and students will be biking and walking this time of year.
  • Make sure you are familiar with your school’s parking and drop-off/pick-up rules. These help keep vehicles in the designated areas and our kids safe!
  • Obey all posted speed limits – there are always flashing lights if speeds are changed in school zones and following the law will not only reduce the chance of an accident, it can also save you a hefty fine as violations are usually doubled in school zones.

Tips for Kids and Families

  • Make sure your children know crosswalk rules, where to look for crossing guards that can help them, and that they clearly understand where to find their bus or location for pick-up/drop-off
  • Have a clear route picked out for your kids to use going to and coming home from school. Make sure they have a group or others to commute safely with.
  • Remember to walk, don’t run! This gives drivers time to see you, especially if they are turning or distracted.
  • Give you and your family extra time and space to adjust back into your routine! There can be lots of emotions and a sense of being rushed this time of year, but it is all going to work out! There is so much to look forward to for the school year.

It has been such an incredible summer in our communities but we look forward to the fall and everything that comes with it. We wish you all a great week going back to school. If you have other safety tips or helpful tips for families that are making the transition back into the academic year, share with us on social media!